Monday, December 5, 2011

Todd's Sign Off

Signing Off

So here we are at the end of the semester. Hard to believe that it’s already over, but I’m sure most of you are glad to be wrapping it up. As we all look forward to the holidays and the end of all of our final projects and exams, I just wanted to give you guys a final sum-up and sign off.

It’s interesting to look back and see how far we’ve come this semester. It’s obvious through reading your blogs week to week how much you have improved in your skills as writers, observers, and bloggers. I would argue that anyone of you, given enough hard work, could take your blogs to the next level and make them go-to destinations for people seeking advice about food, fashion, sports, human rights, and many of the other topics that you have focused on throughout this semester.

You all now have the skills we talked about in the beginning of the class in terms of upkeep of blog rolls, use of links and videos, and creative writing styles. Now it is time to build on those skills and develop your skills as promoters of your blogs. You’ve discussed the various ways to make your blogs optimal for searching and linking from other sources. Use your mastery of social media to increase your readership and become the blogging powerhouses that I think anyone of you could be. Some of you are already getting there.

I hope you’ve learned a lot about the process of blogging in this class. I know I definitely have! And I plan on keeping up with each of your blogs to see how they progress and evolve. Good luck with next semester and your job hunts! If you ever have any questions or suggestions about this class, feel free to email me.

Dawes- How Far We’ve Come

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